Myndir frá desember / Photos from December

 í flokknum: Hellirinn

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Hér eru myndir frá desember. Krakkarnir voru mjög duglegir að leika úti í snjónum meðan við höfðum hann sem var mjög skemmtilegt. Annars var desember á rólegu nótunum hjá okkur með bakstri, föndri og spilum. Í lengdri viðveru í jólaleyfi var ýmsilegt skemmtilegt gert eins og skautar, keila, Rush og Lasertag.


Happy new year.

Here are photos from December. The children were very enthusiastic about playing in the snow this past month which was a lot of fun. We tried to have a calm schedule with baking, crafts and playing cards. During the Christmas holiday of the schools we did many fun things such as iceskating, bowling, trampoline park and lasertag.

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